Nurses Corner
From the Nurses
Preparing for School-
- All students entering Kindergarten and 6th grade must submit updated health inventory and immunization record by August 1st.
- All new students must submit required medical forms prior to enrollment.
- Any student who receives a vaccine must report the update to the Health Suite.
- Any student that may need OTC medication, must have a form signed by primary care provided on file in the Health Suite. The form needs to be updated annually.
- Medical Administration Policies: 2024-2025
- PreK Medical Forms (English).
- K-8 Health Forms 2024-2025 In English
- K - 8 Formularios De Salud 2024 - 2025
- Supplemental Forms
- Formularios médicos para PreK (español).
- Acuerdo de Medicacion
Any student with any health conditions that require prescription medication, must have a health form on file, signed by primary care provider, along with the necessary medication to be kept in the Health Suite.