
Friday, January 24
ABS Hosting Bilingual Bobcats Summer Camp
Join us for our Bilingual Bobcats Summer Camp. Available for ages 3 (by June 1st) through 5th grade.

Monday, October 28
ABS students play the Bucket Drums at annual PIE Breakfast
ABS students welcome guests to PIE breakfast while playing the bucket drums

Monday, October 28
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church hosts Hispanic Heritage Month Mass
Carrying flags representing various Spanish-speaking countries, Catholic school students celebrated Hispanic Heritage Month with a colorful procession during a special Mass at Sacred Heart of Jesus-Sagrado Corazón de Jesús.

Monday, October 28
Math Olympiad Team
Our eighth grade team is ready for the @thecatholichighschool Math Olympiad! Thank you to Mr. Ramirez for helping coach the team. ABS is proud of you! Best of luck, girls! Felicidades y buena suerte a nuestro equipo de ABS en la competición de matemáticas hoy en la escuela Catholic High!

Wednesday, May 22
Eighth Grade Oratorical Contest
The Archbishop Borders School class of 2024 participated in our Bilingual Oratorical Contest this past May 9. La promoción 2024 de la Escuela Archbishop Borders participó en nuestro Concurso de Oratoria Bilingüe el pasado 9 de mayo.

Friday, March 29
Loyola SLP Students Celebrate St Patrick's Day with Pre K
On Friday, 3/15, graduate clinicians from the Loyola University Maryland Speech and Language school provided speech and language services at Archbishop Borders School and celebrated all things St. Patrick’s Day with crafts and collaborative learning in both English and Spanish!!

Friday, March 29
Fifth Graders Plan and Lead Mass
Leadership in religion class - Liderazgo en la clase de religión Last week the fifth grade students planned and took part in the weekly student mass at Sagrado Corazón de Jesús. Planning a welcome message, dividing up the readings, including the petitions, plus a closing prayer, made the mass special for the fifth grade and all present. Later, in religion class, we evaluated the process and finished with an activity in which they wrote inspirational words describing the process and the experience. Hoy los estudiantes de quinto grado prepararon, y participaron en la misa semanal de la escuela en la iglesia Sagrado Corazón de Jesús. Prepararon una bienvenida, dividieron las lecturas, incluyendo las peticiones, además de una oración de clausura, y todo esto hizo que la misa fue especial para los estudiantes y todos presente. Luego en la clase de religión, evaluamos el proceso y terminamos con una actividad en la cual escribieron palabras de inspiración basadas en su experiencia.

Friday, March 29
Middle School Science Fair
Last week our middle schoolers participated in the annual science fair! They conducted experiments using the scientific method to find answers to topics of their interest. They presented their projects to judges, parents, and students. These projects covered various fields of science such as engineering design, environmental science, life science, physical science, and earth science.

Friday, March 29
Sixth Graders at NorthBay Adventures!
Our sixth-grade class enjoyed their overnight field trip to NorthBay in Northeast, Maryland! NorthBay teaches students language arts, math, science, and social studies as we challenge students to recognize how their actions affect their futures, their communities, and the environment.

Friday, January 26
NJHS adds new members!
On January 23, 2024, we inducted 16 new members to the the Alma Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society! We congratulate each of you on your hard work!