Summer at ABS I Verano en ABS
Bilingual Bobcat Summer Camp Registration
Inscripción al campamento de verano bilingüe de Bobcat
Summer Work:
Dear ABS Families,
June blessings to you all!
As we conclude the school year we encourage our students to continue practicing their skills at home during their summer break.
→ All StudentsComplete the Summer Reading Log (log included on the back), students should read at least 2 books each month for a total of 6 books.
You may choose your own books, but here are a few ideas:
Summer Reading Suggestions for Bilingual Kids
American Library Association Reading Suggestions
→ Complete the IXL Summer Math Boost Plan, Grades 2-8
Students entering grades 2 through 8 are entered into the ‘IXL’s 2024 Study in the Sun Contest’ from June 10 to August 4, 2024. Click here for contest details. This plan is in place to keep students engaged, and on track over the break, ready to jump back into school this fall. Students should log in to their IXL accounts and practice skills as follows:
Students entering grades 2-4: Practice skills for grade levels PK through 4 to be counted towards the contest
Students entering grades 5-8: Practice skills for grade levels 3 and above to be counted towards the contest
Student IXL username and password will be sent home with the 3rd Trimester Report Card.
Wishing you a blessed summer filled with fun!
In His Peace,
Archbishop Borders School Administration Team