Community Partners | Socios comunitarios
Archbishop Borders School depends on many organizations and people who contribute their time, energy, and services to our students and staff. Through these partnerships, we are able to expand our academic offerings, and create interesting, fun and invigorating opportunities for our students. If you are interested in partnering with us, please call our principal, Mrs. Amy Belz, or our Assistant Principal, Kaitlyn Ramos, at 410-276-6534, or email her here.
Thank you for your support!
La escuela Archbishop Borders depende de muchas organizaciones y personas que contribuyen con su tiempo, energía y servicios a nuestros estudiantes y personal. A través de estas asociaciones podemos ampliar nuestras ofertas académicas y crear oportunidades interesantes, divertidas y estimulantes para nuestros estudiantes. Si está interesado en asociarse con nosotros llame a nuestra directora la Sra. Amy Belz o nuestra subdirectora, Kaitlyn Ramos, al 410-276-6534, o envíe un correo electrónico.
¡Gracias por tu apoyo!
Here are some of our community partners: