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Student Services | Servicio para los estudiantes

Archbishop Borders School is here to serve its students. We have a number of programs and individuals who work with our students and families. Please see the information below to get a better picture of these services.

Student Advocacy Team

A Student Advocacy Team is established within a Catholic School to serve as a resource for the classroom teacher and as a liaison to the local educational agency. The focus of the team will be the identification of students with learning difficulties.

These needs may include the following:

  • Students with specific learning disabilities
  • Children with learning gaps due to a change in curriculum or time missed from school
  • Gifted students who are not being challenged
  • Children with low IQs
  • Children with physiological problems that impact their learning

A Student Advocacy Team will offer the classroom teacher strategies and interventions to enhance the learning process. The goal is to establish a collaborative team that will support the success of the students while following the mission of the school. A Student Advocacy Team may be comprised of the following Catholic School personnel: school principal (or principal’s designee), special education teacher, resource teacher, classroom teachers, guidance counselor, social worker, school nurse and any other appropriate professional. The selection of the team members is always at the discretion of the principal.

There are times when a classroom teacher must seek the support of their colleagues. Recognizing that a student is struggling with academic performance is the first step towards intervention. The Student Advocacy Team can help to address the needs of the student. The team can evaluate work samples, learning styles, classroom environment, assessments, and the impact of specific difficulties on learning. Exploring alternate strategies and interventions will be the focus of the team. The team may assist
the principal in supporting parents by offering and discussing any interventions and plans. The Student Advocacy Team may also aid in the evaluation of alternative placements for students when appropriate.

St. Martin de Porres Path to Success

Led by our Dual Language Director Guillermo Brown and fellow staff members; this program is designed to provide classroom support, offer small group assistance, and will include individualized resources and strategies to English and Spanish Learners. Students in grades three through eight will join the program upon admission to Archbishop Borders School or by a teacher or parent recommendation. Connections with each learner will be two to three times a week both in the classroom and in a smaller group setting.

Our student’s progress and participation in our St. Martín de Porres Path to Success will be evaluated at mid-term and the end of each trimester. We will use the MAP growth testing in both languages as well as teacher and parent feedback; all student progress will be monitored and documented throughout the program.

As a school with so much diversity, Archbishop Borders serves the community in an atmosphere of faith and love. Everyone in the school is a language learner and just as Martín served everyone, this program is designed to support new language learners with the resources students need. With this new program, we honor the mission of Archbishop Borders School and San Martín de Porres as well, who lived his life serving those in need.  

Title 1

Title I is a federal program that provides extra academic support and learning opportunities to qualified students. If a student qualifies for Title 1 Services, they will receive these services here at Archbishop Borders School.

Title 1 Counselor

Archbishop Borders is excited to offer a Title 1 school social worker through Catapult Learning.  As a school social worker, her goals are to provide families with education, counseling, and community resources to increase student participation and support in learning. 

Some of the services include:
1. Family engagement workshops to help families promote learning and participation at
2. Counseling and short-term consultation to help families address any obstacles to their
child's success.
3. Referral services to connect families to numerous community resources.
4. Collaboration with teachers, administrators, and other relevant staff to promote student

La escuela Archbishop Borders está aquí para servir a los estudiantes. Tenemos un número de programas grupales e individuales que desarrollamos con nuestros estudiantes y sus familias. Por favor, lea la información que desarrollamos a continuación para conocer más de nuestro colegio.

Equipo de ayuda para el estudiante

Un equipo de ayuda para el alumno se estableció dentro de un colegio católico para servir como una herramienta para el maestro en el aula, y como enlace con la agencia de educación local. El objetivo del equipo es identificar estudiantes con dificultades de aprendizaje.

Estas necesidades pueden incluir lo siguiente:

  • Alumnos con habilidades especiales de aprendizaje.
  • Niños con vacios de aprendizaje debido a un cambio en las asignaturas o tiempo perdido en el colegio.
  • Estudiantes superdotados que no están siendo desafiados academicamente.
  • Niños con bajo coeficiente intelectual.
  • Niños con problemas fisiológicos que impactan su aprendizaje.

Un equipo de ayuda del estudiante brindará estrategias e intervenciones para los maestros del aula para mejorar el proceso de aprendizaje, con el objetivo de establecer un equipo de colaboración que apoyará el éxito de los estudiantes mientras siguen la misión de la escuela. Un Equipo de Ayuda Estudiantil puede estar compuesto por el siguiente personal de la escuela católica: el director(a) de la escuela, el maestro de educación especial, el maestro de recursos, los maestros del aula, el orientador, el trabajador social, la enfermera escolar y cualquier otro profesional apropiado. La selección de los miembros del equipo la hace siempre el director.

Existen momentos cuando un profesor de clases debe buscar la ayuda de sus colegas, reconociendo a los estudiantes que tienen dificultades académicas; es el primer paso para esta intervención. El equipo de ayuda del estudiante puede atender las necesidades del estudiante. El equipo puede evaluar muestras de trabajo, estilos de aprendizaje, entorno del aula, evaluaciones y el impacto de dificultades específicas en el aprendizaje. Explorar estrategias e intervenciones alternativas será el enfoque del equipo. El equipo puede ayudar al director (a) en apoyar a los padres ofreciendo y discutiendo cualquier intervención y plan. El equipo de ayuda del estudiante también puede ayudar en la evaluación de ubicaciones alternativas para los estudiantes cuando sea apropiado.