Each year, ABS joins Catholic schools around the nation to celebrate the excellent education we offer, the history of our school, the faculty and staff, and students and families. Click here to view our CSW Spirit Schedule! #ArchBaltCSW21
Archbishop Borders School begins and ends its day in prayer. We ask the Holy Spirit to inspire us as we listen and write, so that we can discover more about the world around us. We also celebrate mass together and have growing service and peer ministry programs. Students in first through eighth grades attend mass weekly at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, a thriving Redemptorist parish that has been serving the community since 1873! Students have the opportunity to grow as servant leaders in mass through altar serving, becoming a lector, gift bearing, or assisting with mass music. Students have prayer buddies, a partner from another class within the school. We incorporate many traditions from the Latino Catholic church, most notably song-filled processions for saints days, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Las Posados, Dia de Los Muertos, and Three Kings' Day.
La escuela Arzobispo Borders comienza y termina su día en oración. Agradecemos a Dios por hoy y las formas en que nos provee. Le pedimos al Espíritu Santo que nos inspire mientras escuchamos y escribimos, para que podamos descubrir más sobre el mundo que nos rodea. También celebramos misa juntos y tenemos crecientes programas de servicio y ministerio entre iguales. Además, incorporamos muchas tradiciones de la Iglesia Católica Latina.