Clubs & Activities | Clubs y Actividades
Archbishop Borders School is proud to offer a variety of clubs and activities:
- Student Council
- Student Ambassadors
- Soccer Shots https://www.soccershots.com/ba...
- STEM Club
- Athletics
- Various teacher-led clubs- new clubs offered every trimester for all age groups
The Enoch Pratt Free Library located on Eastern Avenue just around the corner from the school, has many events for children.
La escuela Archbishop Borders ofrece una variedad de clubes y actividades:
- Consejo estudiantil.
- Embajadores Estudiantiles
- Futbol (Soccer Shots) https://www.soccershots.com/baltimore/
- Deportes.
- Varios clubes dirigidos por maestros- nuevos clubes ofrecidos cada trimestre para todos los grupos de edad
La biblioteca Enoch Pratt Free ubicada en Eastern Avenue, a la vuelta de la esquina de la escuela tiene muchos eventos para niños.