NJHS adds new members!
We were delighted to induct 9 six graders, 7 seventh graders, and 3 eighth graders to our National Junior Honor Society. These students pledge to stay loyal to the school. They will maintain and encourage the standards of scholarship, leadership, character, citizenship, and service, the five pillars of the NJHS. Students were able to celebrate their accomplishments with their family members. Thank you to the Catholic High Choir who attended and provided beautiful music to those in attendance.
Estuvimos encantados de incorporar a 9 estudiantes de sexto grado, 7 estudiantes de séptimo grado y 3 estudiantes de octavo grado a nuestra Sociedad Nacional de Honor Juvenil. Estos estudiantes se comprometen a permanecer leales a la escuela. Mantendrán y fomentarán los estándares de académica, liderazgo, carácter, ciudadanía y servicio, los cinco pilares de NJHS. Los estudiantes pudieron celebrar sus logros con sus familiares. Gracias al Coro Catholic High que asistió y brindó hermosa música a los asistentes.